Behavioral Sleep Intervention 101 — LA
May 14, 2025
The Behavioral Sleep Intervention 101 Training is designed for pediatric providers that are new to creating behavior-based sleep plans. This training will cover the foundations of assessing habits and “sleep props” that contribute to awakenings during daytime and nighttime sleep events. Additionally, this training incorporates the Sleep Plan Builder Questionnaire to facilitate an inclusive approach to meeting parents’ sleep goals based on their preferred style of intervention.
May 14, 2025
The Behavioral Sleep Intervention 101 Training is designed for pediatric providers that are new to creating behavior-based sleep plans. This training will cover the foundations of assessing habits and “sleep props” that contribute to awakenings during daytime and nighttime sleep events. Additionally, this training incorporates the Sleep Plan Builder Questionnaire to facilitate an inclusive approach to meeting parents’ sleep goals based on their preferred style of intervention.
May 14, 2025
The Behavioral Sleep Intervention 101 Training is designed for pediatric providers that are new to creating behavior-based sleep plans. This training will cover the foundations of assessing habits and “sleep props” that contribute to awakenings during daytime and nighttime sleep events. Additionally, this training incorporates the Sleep Plan Builder Questionnaire to facilitate an inclusive approach to meeting parents’ sleep goals based on their preferred style of intervention.
Training Details
The Behavioral Sleep Intervention 101 training also explores sleep schedules, sleep amounts, and self-soothing skills by age of the child so that the provider is establishing reasonable expectations based on developmental skills. This training does not include intermediate sleep content provided in the Pediatric Sleep Intervention Certificate training and is only intended for providers that are interested in learning fundamental strategies for establishing healthy sleep routines.
The Braille Institute
741 N Vermont Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90029
Coffee/tea/water and light snacks provided
9-10:30am DEVELOPMENT OF SLEEPSleep Stages 0-3 (exploring how sleep develops and changes over the first three years of life)
Recommended sleep amounts and schedules by age (AASM and AAP research around optimal sleep amounts and evidence-based sleep schedules)
Developmental Sleep Regressions (sleep regression timeline, what to expect, and strategies for addressing the regressions).
10:30am-12pm THE PARENT COMPONENTParent Interview (establishing the sleep goal, history of sleep difficulty, and parent as the expert model).
Cultural Considerations (beliefs around sleep, sleep environment, sleeping arrangements, and parenting/family values).
Parent Education (discussing the handouts, establishing the therapeutic goal, and setting expectations).
12pm-1pm LUNCH BREAK
1pm-2:30pm CUSTOMIZING A SLEEP PLANSleep Plan Builder (Completing a sleep survey to establish schedules, sleeping arrangements, and steps towards accomplishing the sleep goal).
2:30pm-4pm CASE STUDIESReview 6 different case studies and develop sleep plans for each case study
The Pediatric Sleep Intervention Certificate Training is intended for providers that already have comfort in providing standard sleep plans for families of children 0-5yrs and are looking to continue their sleep education to incorporate nutrition, gut-health, parental mental health, and sleep considerations specific to developmental disorders. If a provider is interested in learning about the foundations of creating developmentally appropriate sleep plans then it’s recommended for them to start with Behavioral Sleep Intervention 101 before taking the Pediatric Sleep Intervention Certificate Training.
Yes, all content provided in the offered trainings come from peer-reviewed journal articles or accredited professional organizations. The research included in the training manuals is obtained from research conducted in the past five years. The sleep recommendations are informed by the recommendations provided by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and the American Academy of Pediatrics.