Two-Day Pediatric Sleep Intervention Certificate Training — LA
MAY 12, 2025 - MAY 13, 2025
This is a two-day, comprehensive course that teaches on a broad range of areas that impact sleep quality. The curriculum for this training comes from evidence-based research and practices and is intended for anyone interested in learning about the specifics for assessment and treatment of pediatric sleep conditions.
MAY 12, 2025 - MAY 13, 2025
This is a two-day, comprehensive course that teaches on a broad range of areas that impact sleep quality. The curriculum for this training comes from evidence-based research and practices and is intended for anyone interested in learning about the specifics for assessment and treatment of pediatric sleep conditions.
MAY 12, 2025 - MAY 13, 2025
This is a two-day, comprehensive course that teaches on a broad range of areas that impact sleep quality. The curriculum for this training comes from evidence-based research and practices and is intended for anyone interested in learning about the specifics for assessment and treatment of pediatric sleep conditions.
Training Details
This training explores the intersections of health, nutrition, development, sensory processing, and attachment on a child’s overall sleep success. Attendees will also practice using the Sleep Triangle assessment tool for evaluating the child’s sleep needs and formulating a thorough sleep plan. Additionally, attendees will be provided a Pediatric Sleep Intervention Provider Handbook for 0-5yrs. The goal of this training is to empower providers with the framework of a “whole-child” perspective when evaluating sleep needs for both the child and the family.
The California Endowment (Tahoe room)
1000 N Alameda St
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Daily Agenda
Typical sleep development 0-5 (terminology, sleep schedules, sleep patterns, regressions, and the sleep impact on developmental milestones)
Gestational Contributors to Sleep Regulation (perinatal mental and physical health, gestational experience, epigenetics, substance exposure, pregnancy complications).
Early Experiences of Nurture & Attachment (post-partum experience, co-regulation & parental self-efficacy, infant response to caregiver, neurological benefit of parent assisted soothing).
Safe Sleep Guidelines and SIDs (guidelines explained, modification based on family values, SIDs vs accidental death, resources for increasing sleep safety in infancy).
11:00am-11:15am: BREAK
Primary Regulation Level: (primitive brain systems and nervous system regulation, co-regulation needs, at-risk groups).
Sensori-motor Level: (connection between motor skills and sleep, sensory requirements, typical vs disrupted sleep movement, feeding/appetite factors).
Emotional Processing Level: (nightmares/night terrors, separation anxiety, stress impact on cortisol and melatonin production, emotional supports for sleep needs).
Cognitive & Executive Functioning Level: (collaborative sleep strategies, communication around sleep routines, preparation for transitions).
1:00pm-2:00pm: LUNCH (provided)
Nutrition: (sleep nutrients, supplementation recommendations, symptoms of nutritional deficiency in sleep patterns).
GI/Digestion: (gut micro-biome, irregular bowel movements and sleep disruption, laxatives and malabsorption, candida overgrowth symptoms in sleep).
Respiration: (breathing conditions affecting sleep, impact of steroids and medication on sleep quality, allergies and over-active histamine production).
Skin: (external reactions to internal systems, interoception, pain/discomfort sleep disruption).
Brain Health: (sleep structures in the brain, nocturnal electrical activity, AED sleep side-effects).
Neurocognitive Conditions: (autism and sleep disorders, comorbid systemic issues in autism dx, affects of sleep supplementation of melatonin, ritualistic sleep behaviors).
Sensorimotor Conditions: (motor disorders, rhythmic movement disorder, self-injurious bx, vision impairment, deaf and hard-of-hearing children, adaptive sleep equipment).
Genetic Conditions: (risk factors for sleep, down syndrome/cri du chat/angelman syndrome and comorbid sleep issues, respiratory and GI considerations).
Trauma: (elevated stress response, reprocessing trauma through sleep, trauma-informed sleep strategies).
Pre-Term Birth: (neurological impact, sleep safety concerns, growth and nutritional supplementation, hyper-response to stress).
G-Tube Feeds: (GI distress symptoms, digestion in sleep, oral microbiome).
Sleep Apnea: (types of apnea and at-risk groups, symptoms in sleep, treatment options, monitoring options).
11:00am-11:15am: BREAK
Sleep Triangle: (systemic factors, sensory factors, and behavioral factors)
1:00pm-2:00pm: LUNCH (provided)
Sleep Goals: (parent-interview, common sleep-behavior goals, small-group case study discussion and sleep plans).
If the attendee is a Mental Health Provider (LMFT, LCSW, LPCC, and/or LEP) in California then CEUs will be provided by the Child Development Institute and a CEU link will be provided when the participant registers for the training. The cost of the CEUs is separate from the registration fee and will be paid by the registrant.
If the attendee is an Occupational Therapist, Physical Therapist, or Registered Nurse in California then the CEUs will be provided by the Infant Development Association and a CEU link will be provided when the participant registers for the training. The cost of the CEUs is separate from the registration fee and will be paid by the registrant.
If the attendee is a Mental Health provider in Colorado then those hours can be submitted upon completion of training when the provider completes the form for license renewal. MH providers should keep a copy of the certificate for proof of attendance in the case of audit.
This training is intended for therapists that are already specialized in developmental intervention or pediatric medicine to build onto their current practice; this training assumes that the attendee already has some level of specialization within the field of child development. This training does not cover typical developmental milestones, explanation of developmental diagnoses, or basic behavioral sleep plans. This training is designed for providers that are already comfortable providing behavioral sleep support and would like to incorporate other aspects of the “whole-body sleep system” into their clinical practice.
If a therapist is newly starting in the field of sleep intervention then the Developing Sleep Plans 101 training would be a better option for understanding the fundamentals of working with families on designing behavior-based sleep plans.
The certificate shows that the attendee has completed the 12hrs of required training to provide assessment and treatment of pediatric sleep difficulties for children ages 0-5yrs. The provider can highlight that they have completed the course work required to have this certificate on their individual or company website. The attendee can also incorporate the Pediatric Health and Sleep Screeners into their clinical practice as well as all handouts and information contained within the Pediatric Sleep Intervention Provider Handbook.
The training is designed for all providers that have completed degree programs specializing in child development and/or pediatric health/wellness (OT, PT, SLP, behaviorist, developmental interventionist, mental health therapists, psychologist, RN, PA, physician, RD).
Yes, all content provided in the offered trainings come from peer-reviewed journal articles or accredited professional organizations. The research included in the training manuals is obtained from research conducted in the past five years. The sleep recommendations are informed by the recommendations provided by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and the American Academy of Pediatrics.
The Pediatric Sleep Intervention Certificate Training is intended for providers that already have comfort in providing standard sleep plans for families of children 0-5yrs and are looking to continue their sleep education to incorporate nutrition, gut-health, parental mental health, and sleep considerations specific to developmental disorders. If a provider is interested in learning about the foundations of creating developmentally appropriate sleep plans then it’s recommended for them to start with the Developing Sleep Plans 101 before taking the Pediatric Sleep Intervention Certificate Training.